200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

16-day Immersion in Maui, Hawaii

Our Yoga Teacher Training is both a first-rate professional training program
and an effective journey into personal empowerment.

2024 Trainings

2024 will be the last year these trainings are offered

November 2-17, 2024


Yoga Alliance 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training
for Aspiring Teachers and Committed Students

Training Fees - $2900 USD, a $700 deposit holds your spot

If you are traveling to Maui, please book early to assure ease in finding accommodations. Maui is a very popular destination and accommodations sell out well in advance. Accommodations are not included in the fees, but we can help you find budget-friendly choices.


ZOOM with Jennifer!

Get all your questions answered before you book the training. Discuss logistics, curriculum and other concerns. Meet your teachers and feel confident that you are choosing the best yoga training for you! We enjoy ZOOM-ing with our future students.

Email your ZOOM request to aloha@wisdomflowyoga.com or text or call Jennifer at

(808) 268-4095

Watch a video overview of our Yoga Teacher Trainings

A note from our founder...

After years in the tech industry and a battle with cancer, I came home to yoga. My first class washed through me so deeply, I was left feeling unsure of who I was but empowered to reinvent myself. When I decided to teach, it took four trainings before I felt prepared to offer a simple class. The speaking and leadership elements took time to cultivate. Wisdom Flow Yoga is dedicated to teaching the heart and science of yoga and empowering new teachers to use their voices as tools of loving leadership. 

- Jennifer, Wisdom Flow Yoga founder

Wisdom Flow Yoga School has been successfully training new Yoga Teachers since 2007

Our Program

The Hours - Our 200-hour certification is offered as a 16-day immersion. With daily homework, students put in about 10-hours each day. Prerequisite reading and preparation make up approximately 20 hours. Final projects, completed after the immersion, make up another 20 hours. Once you register for a Wisdom Flow Yoga teacher training, you receive a welcome package outlining prerequisite materials and curriculum details. With the prerequisite reading, daily homework, and teaching projects back home, students complete well over the 200 hours required for certification.

Curriculum - Your training will include learning how the body works, its optimal architecture and alignment principles used for intelligent adjusting and refining in poses. We cover both dynamic Vinyasa and steady Hatha styles. We want you to be well-rounded. You will have plenty of time to practice teaching with personal feedback from teachers and peers. You will craft your very own class that you teach as your final project. You will include in your class; clear rhythmic instruction, basic pose alignment, clear breath instruction, and inspirational philosophy. You will learn to guide your students to make alignment a priority and breath the guide so they grow sustainably, and joyfully.

Accommodations - Your fees cover the training materials and course work and breakfast, drinks and snacks at the studio everyday. Lunch, dinner and accommodations are arranged individually. Since people come from all over the world, and have varied preferences for accommodations and diet, we just offer the education, experience, and the morning meal. The rest is crafted by you. However, we do have accommodation hosts in our community who offer budget-friendly rooms. The contact information for these yogi hosts is included in the welcome package you receive once you register and pay.

Our Philosophy - Wisdom Flow Yoga is a based on the sacred geometry of the body and the empowerment that rises naturally when we align with our divine architecture. Jennifer, the founder, studied Anusara Yoga with John Friend and Desiree Rumbaugh. She has studied with Shiva Rae, Max Strom, and martial artists Mathew Cohen and Duncan Wong (you can google them). She has been teaching since 1999 and offering teacher trainings since 2007. Wisdom Flow School teaches alignment-rich vinyasa and carefully crafted Hatha sequences designed to be accessible to a broad range of yogis. Breath work, core strength, and bandha action are emphasized as the inner structures that make the poses healing and empowering. The bigger-picture intention of practicing to know ourselves more deeply and offer our light more freely is at the heart of the teaching. The Wisdom Flow style is both precise and playful. If we aren't practicing to bring greater joy, then why bother, right? In this training, you will get all the tools you need to create an inspiring yoga class! Even if you don't plan to teach yoga professionally, completing a teacher training will deepen your physical, mental and spiritual practice. 

Keep it Deep - We accept no more than 12 students per training. We believe the cohesion and intimacy of the group plays a huge part in the power of the training. We also want to assure that each student gets plenty of personal attention. Apply early to assure your spot. We require a minimum of six students to hold the training. Reaching our minimum has never been a problem but with changing conditions due to the pandemic we need to be clear on this policy. We recommend you purchase travel insurance.


Sample Schedule:

6:00AM to 7:00AM: Breath, Meditation, Lecture, Discussion 
7:00AM to 7:30AM: Breakfast
7:30AM to 8:30AM: Presentations, Partner Work.
8:30AM to 10:00AM: Asana Practice 
10:15AM to 11:00AM: Lunch
11:00AM to Noon: Lecture and Discussion
Noon to 2:30PM: Asana, Alignment, and Teaching Skills
2:30 to Sunset: Play on Maui!
Evenings: Homework

I was surprised at how challenging teaching really is. It is much more involved than practicing yoga. This training sharpened my focus and prepared me to be a clear compassionate leader.

- Heather Rivera, WIsdom Flow Yoga Graduate


The Location

Trainings are conducted at our upcountry Maui studio. Visiting students have the choice of finding their own accommodations or we can help them find budget-friendly accommodations ranging from $110 to $160 per night. Light breakfast, snacks and drinks are provided everyday. You may bring your lunch or pick something up from the many nearby cafes, markets, and food trucks.


Private Room: The majority of yogis that attend our Teacher Training choose to stay with one of our local community members. We arrange this for you. There are a variety of choices from beach cottage to simple bedroom with twin bed. All are very close to the studio and range from $110 to $150 per night.

Vacation Rental: Sometimes off-island students travel with friends or family and choose to find their own vacation rental. Be sure you are aware of distance from the studio and driving time. Traffic is never an issue since we begin at 6AM and end at 2:30PM. Also... its Maui :-)

Meet Your Teachers

Jennifer Lynn - ERYT 500 - After many years in the tech industry and a battle with level 4 cancer at age 28, Jennifer radically changed her life priorities and started a path of karmic clearing and joyful growth. Her first yoga class brought a profound out-of-body experience that awakened her to the power of living through the lens of the soul. She has been on a path to share the gift of integrity and self-realization through yoga ever since. Jennifer believes it is through the reverent exploration of our brilliant bodies that we find our way to divine source. On that path we find the obstacles (traumas and ignorance) that hide our true nature. Yoga gives us tools for transmuting those obstacles into strength, wisdom, healing and joy. Jennifer has taken over 3000 hours of trainings and workshops with masters like Richard Freeman, John Friend, and Desiree Rumbaugh. She teaches alignment of body and mind that tune us to our goodness, truth and universal oneness.

Janet Corvino (She, Her, Hers) ERYT 500 - Janet is a yoga instructor, Leadership & Life Alignment coach, and owner of Soul City Yoga Retreats. She has been traveling the world and teaching internationally since 1998. Janet enjoys offering Yoga and Life Alignment Coaching as tools for creating a life of purpose and passion. Yoga helps us align our core values with our actions. As a yoga instructor, Janet offers yoga with both sophisticated alignment mixed and with down to earth common sense application. Janet is ERYT 500 hr Yoga Alliance certified and a Co-Active certified Life and Leadership Coach, CPCC and ACC certified. In addition, Janet has a graduate degree in Interdisciplinary Education. Janet is a veteran teacher who was a Studio Director and Teacher Trainer for YYoga Canada. She currently teaches in Maui, Whistler and internationally as well being an Alumni Ambassador for Lululemon. Janet is generous with her support and deeply devoted to her students.

Diana Depineres RYT 500, Ayurveda Practitioner - Diana trained under the tutelage of Advaita Vedanta and Vinyasa yoga teacher Sri Louise, and has been teaching yoga since 2003. In 2015 she began studying the transformative teachings of BKS Iyengar with Kay Huckabee.  Diana now studies with her mentor, Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher Holly Kostura, since 2017, and became a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher in 2023.
An Ayurvedic Practitioner Graduate of Mount Madonna College of Ayurveda, Diana also offers seasonal diet and lifestyle classes and cleanse programs (panchakarma). Yoga and Ayurveda have been essential in Diana’s growth and evolution as a woman, mother and human being.  They have helped her heal chronic low back pain, and provided her with holistic awareness, strength, and resiliency. Her other loves are her surfing family, 4 pets, Colombian music, singing kirtan, freshwater streams, and the preciousness and potential of humanity and life.


Hear From Our Students

Reviews From Our Students 

"If your goal is to become a yoga teacher who leads with confidence, clarity, and heart, Wisdom Flow Yoga is the training for you. The program has you practicing teaching and voicing from day one to build courage and skill. Jennifer Lynn provides the framework and ongoing support to help you understand the nuances of yoga philosophy, deepen your alignment and get the most out of your personal practice - all of which will help you become an excellent teacher."

- Lisa Avramenko, Nova Scotia CA

Graduate and owner of HappyFit Studio

"Although I had received other forms of yoga training, nothing quite compared to the training at Wisdom Flow. Jennifer’s level of professionalism is outstanding. She has a deep desire to bring out the absolute best in her students and her style of mentoring (both during and after the training) gives you the skill, confidence and passion to take the seat of the teacher. I’m now teaching regularly within my community and loving every moment of the journey."

-Rachel Holding, Queensland, AUS

Wisdom Flow Yoga Graduate 

"Wisdom Flow yoga provides a framework for studying all aspects of the practice, breath, postures, meditation, and philosophy. This framework can be used as a universal key to take into all types of movement practices. The structure of this training supports the yogi as they explore their own experience of expanding consciousness and helps them move towards purpose in life that is authentic to them."

-Kristy Haber, Chico, California

Wisdom Flow Yoga Graduate

more about Wisdom Flow Yoga

Wisdom Flow Yoga was founded in 2007 by Jennifer Lynn. With an engineering background, Jennifer appreciated the inner engineering outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The Wisdom Flow style blends precise physical and mental alignment with free and joyful flow of spirit through the asanas. Structure must align with the divine laws of nature in order to be strong and sustainable, yet too much dogma can pinch off the organic flow of joyful growth. Wisdom Flow Yoga embodies a balance of precise alignments and core-centered movement with a playful dynamic flow that keeps the pathways clean, clear and strong, and the song of the heart coming through. Our classes and trainings offer a set of elegant alignment principles based on the sacred geometry of the human body. We learn to balance these principles in all poses. We learn to ride the flow of breath as the vehicle of awareness to keep us revealing and sharing deeper layers of our true nature. Wisdom Flow Yoga embraces all expressions of love that rise from inclusion, compassion and unity.

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

MAUI, Hawaii

Training fees are $2700. You can hold your spot in the training by paying a $500 deposit now and the balance 30 days before the first day of the training. Fees are non-refundable but can be transferred to future Wisdom Flow Yoga events; Teacher Trainings or Retreats.

Please note, you should arrive at least one day prior to the first date of the training, our celebration dinner on the last day runs into the night so departure should be the day after. Please schedule your journey with enough wiggle room for ease and joy.