From Grief to Grace

A Supportive, Collective Journey of Processing Grief

Saturday May 31st, 2025

5:00-7:00 pm

with Martha-Carole Cotten

by donation

pay what you can, pay it forward for those who cannot

Wisdom Flow Studios

95 Makawao Ave. Mawakao, HI 96768

Join us for this community healing experience


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About this event...

Grief is no stranger to us. Whether it's losing a loved one, a pet, a job, a home, our motherland, or even the grief of world events, grief is a natural response to losing what once brought immense joy. Grief is an energy that calls to be moved. Through intentional ceremonial processes, we are held as we ride the waves of our grief. Grief reminds us how deeply we loved, grief honors what was lost, and grief baptizes us, strengthening our capacity for love. This community gathering offers safe space to encourage the process of grieving to cleanse our souls and open our hearts to grace.

Please wear comfortable clothing to move, relax, and potentially cry inI encourage no expectations...but prepare to hear stories that will touch your heart in ways unknown. As we tap into the realms of the unseen worlds, possibilities of unlimited potential are available to us.Please bring photos, belongings, letters (can be private and unread by the group), and anything that holds a special place in your heart to remember that which you are grieving about.

More about from Grief to Grace

Join us on Saturday May 31 for an evening of deep community processing. As the saying goes, it takes a village; in modern times, this often times seems to vanish. In this circle of Living Prayer, please come prepared to hold sacred space for the topic of From Grief to Grace. We invite you to bring photos, letters, cards, belongings, and any other adornment for the altar.

We will begin with a brief movement exercise called Awakening of the Senses, to open and prepare the meridian lines of energy for spiritual work. As we move through sound and a Hawaiian chant, we continue to prepare the Kino (the human body) for this deeper activation work.

Our circle will consist of an intimate gathering, creating a safe, sacred, and confidential space to share amongst community members through Living Activated Prayer. As a collective, the energies that swirl and emerge remind us that we truly are never alone.  

From Grief to Grace does not mean that we bypass any feelings; often times Grace can even look messy. The process of Grief is different and unique to each of us as individuals, but one thing always remains shared...that grief is the deepest expression of the Love that we have, which is the essence of who we truly are. This process has the ability to open our hearts, rather than close down, if we truly dive deeply into our vulnerability and willingness to explore.

About the teacher...

Martha-Carole Cotten is the Owner/Visionary of her business I AM—Institute of Awareness & Movement (Wellness Through Wholeness) in Maui, Hawai’i. She is also the partner and other half of the business I AM—Intuitive Alchemy Maui (Wellness Through Glass). She has studied a multitude of interests taking her around the world for her education which include her Masters of Education Degree; Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis licenses; and certifications in Sound Healing, Reiki Master Level, Skin Care, and Cellular Transformation/ Activation Healing. She is also an apprentice to native Hawaiian Kumu’Ola Leina’ala in Volcano, Hawai’i where she has the honor of studying and practicing alongside an elder specializing in La’au Lapa’au (plant medicine) and La’au Kahea (Hawaiian Prayer).

Maui Access to Mindful Movement

More about Maui Access to Mindful Movement

Maui Access to Mindful Movement (MAMM) seeks to spread awareness of, and access to, the physical, mental, emotional and social benefits of group practices such as martial arts, yoga, cultural movement, dance, and nature immersion.  MAMM’s mission is to show more Maui residents how mindful movement isn't just physical fitness; it's a catalyst for unlocking one’s potential through focus, awareness, and self-regulation. It is an opportunity for social interaction in an environment of discipline, shared principles and common goals. These community activities can be deeply therapeutic.  They bring us out of isolation and give us safe space to move together. When we move with intention, breathe in rhythm, and grow together, something more than physical well being happens – fear transforms into courage, isolation into belonging, and trauma into resilience.   Blending physical activity with mental presence, helps us calm compulsiveness and mindfully channel our energy; developing healthier social interactions and family dynamics. MAMM seeks to bring mindful movement to more Maui families.