Mindful Movement is Powerful Medicine

in-school and after school programs
free on-site childcare for adult classes
scholarships for movement programs
family events - parents and kids move together
community events celebrating mindful movement

Get involved through partnership, volunteering, or donating!


About Our Scholarship Program

Maui Access to Mindful Movement supports both the small businesses that offer mindful movement courses and the families that want to participate in them. Raising a family can be challenging financially and energetically. It truly takes a village to raise children well and keep parents healthy on the way.

When kids participate in mindful movement such as martial arts, yoga or sacred dance, they receive a powerful initiation into adulthood. They learn to interact with each other following principles of respect. They are encouraged to express themselves within a framework of pure intention and wise boundaries. They learn responsibility, self-regulation, and self-respect. And they experience the joy of growing and playing with their peers in a safe environment under the leadership of compassionate teachers. Through MAMM scholarship program, parents can apply for financial aid and get the support they need to get their kids enrolled and keep them enrolled in mindful movement courses.

Some of the Maui mindful movement programs we support include: Keiki Yoga Club, Mindful Martial Arts, the Dojo Maui, and Maui Tumblers. If you offer mindful movement, have been operating for over a year on Maui, please contact us to have your program included in our scholarship program. aloha@mauimindfulmovement.org

Our scholarships are also for adults. We are happier, kinder, and more creative people when we move our bodies, move our emotions in healthy mindful ways. The unspoken therapy of mindful movement is being recognized more and more in our modern world. The ancients understood its power. Many beautiful cultures have brought us sacred dance, yoga, and martial arts to clarify the mind, process emotions, cultivate vibrant well being and unify communities. Through MAMM scholarship program, adults of all ages can apply for financial aid and get the support they need to make mindful movement courses part of their life.


About our On-site Childcare for Parents

Parents do the most important job in the world and should be given plenty of support. Parents champion the beautiful continuity of life's infinite expansion, often making huge sacrifices to do so. MAMM is dedicated to serving parents by offering mindful movement classes with on-site childcare and family classes where kids go to a kids class in the downstairs studio while parents take class upstairs. When parents can take time for self-care, everyone wins.

On-site Childcare

Maui Access to Mindful Movement offers on-site childcare so parents can get the self-care they need to be the best version of themselves and set a shining example of healthy priorities for their keiki.


MAMM Programs

MAMM supports existing mindful movement programs and helps develop new programs. Our programs include in-school classes, after-school classes, camps, workshops, and introductory programs.

A note from our founder...

Like many children, I struggled with social awkwardness, confusion, and depression. I'd act out in frustration or isolate myself away from what seemed to be an unkind world. It was my involvement in martial arts and dance that changed things. In these classes, I was with my peers, but we were being led by a strong teacher. We were moving; but mindfully. There was discipline but also compassion and joy. Everyone was held to strong principles like respect and kindness. In that atmosphere there was both safety and free expression. Later in life, yoga gave me a safe space to breathe deeply, comb through my body and clear stuck emotions. More than anything else, Mindful Movement has changed my life. MAMM was founded to bring mindful movement to more of Maui's local residents from keiki to kupuna.

- Jennifer Lynn, Executive Director


To help us better serve Maui families, please take 3 minutes to send us your wisdom.