Join us for active seated breath work designed to clear and purify the mind
Metamorphosis Breath work
with Martha-Carole Cotten
by donation
pay what you can, pay it forward for those who cannot
Wisdom Flow Studios
95 Makawao Ave. Mawakao, HI 96768
Move through a powerfully harmonized system of breath work,
eye & body movements, and sound, while alleviating Qi stagnation
in synchronicity to rhythm and music.
Embrace the Healing Power of the Breath
What Metamorphosis Breath work offers
Do you ever feel weighed down and heavy? Are you ready to feel light as a feather? The benefits of burning through the density and heaviness of the body while in our human experience have long been known by the yogis & ancient ones that preceded our own lifetimes. Join us for an active seated breathing class designed to:
- clear pranic/energetic channels
- balance and harmonize the subtle energy bodies
- oxygenate your system
- stimulate your immune system
- strengthen your heart and lungs gently
- give you an abdominal workout from the inside
- massage and detoxify the organs and glands
- connect and align us to our higher self
- connect and align us with each other
- clean and purify the mind
Class leaves us feeling lighter, happier, detoxed, more connected, less stressed, and tuned in with our Creator and Divine wisdom as energetic beings of light. A chair or stool (chair height, not a bar stool) is required to sit on during class.
About the teacher...
Martha-Carole Cotten is the Owner/Visionary of her business I AM—Institute of Awareness & Movement (Wellness Through Wholeness) in Maui, Hawai’i. She is also the partner and other half of the business I AM—Intuitive Alchemy Maui (Wellness Through Glass). She has studied a multitude of interests taking her around the world for her education which include her Masters of Education Degree; Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis licenses; and certifications in Sound Healing, Reiki Master Level, Skin Care, and Cellular Transformation/ Activation Healing. She is also an apprentice to native Hawaiian Kumu’Ola Leina’ala in Volcano, Hawai’i where she has the honor of studying and practicing alongside an elder specializing in La’au Lapa’au (plant medicine) and La’au Kahea (Hawaiian Prayer).
More about Metamorphosis Breath work
Join us for supported seated upright Metamorphosis Breath work. This powerful and potent breath work moves stagnant energy in the human system. The first round of clearing the channels comes through sound; crystal bowls, chimes and gong. Then, a series of Breath work exercises with integrative movement woven in. This rhythmic repeated sequencing builds neuroplasticity in the brain, while simultaneously cleansing and strengthening from the inside.
After the breath and movement sequences, we settle into deep relaxation allowing our system to integrate and re-calibrate. We rise from relaxation and circle up to ask questions, share and connect.
Please wear comfortable clothing that is not too tight; natural breathable fibers recommended. Bring your own yoga mat if you have one, and room temperature water to cleanse the pallet.
Maui Access to Mindful Movement (MAMM) seeks to spread awareness of, and access to, the physical, mental, emotional and social benefits of group practices such as martial arts, yoga, cultural movement, dance, and nature immersion. MAMM’s mission is to show more Maui residents how mindful movement isn't just physical fitness; it's a catalyst for unlocking one’s potential through focus, awareness, and self-regulation. It is an opportunity for social interaction in an environment of discipline, shared principles and common goals. These community activities can be deeply therapeutic. They bring us out of isolation and give us safe space to move together. When we move with intention, breathe in rhythm, and grow together, something more than physical well being happens – fear transforms into courage, isolation into belonging, and trauma into resilience. Blending physical activity with mental presence, helps us calm compulsiveness and mindfully channel our energy; developing healthier social interactions and family dynamics. MAMM seeks to bring mindful movement to more Maui families.
Copyright 2025